Genre: Historical Romance / Adventure In modern-day Delhi, Aryan Patel, a brilliant but introverted computer science student, discovers an ancient manuscript detailing the lost kingdom of Nandipur and its vanished princess, Meher. Driven by a passion for history and cryptography, Aryan decodes a series of clues that lead him to a hidden chamber where he awakens Princess Meher, who has been magically preserved for over 500 years. read to know what happen next
FreeChapter 1: The Awakening
FreeChapter 2: The Revelation
FreeChapter 3: The Journey Begins
For FollowersChapter 4: The Gathering Storm
For FollowersChapter 5: Shadows of the Past
FreeChapter 6: The Awakening
For FollowersChapter 7: The Gathering Storm
FreeChapter 8: Shadows Rising
For FollowersChapter 9: A New Dawn
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